On 15 November 2021, BeST participated in the public consultation on the review of the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (Regulation EC No 1272/2008, also known as the CLP Regulation) launched by the European Commission in the frame of the Chemicals Strategy for sustainability.
The public consultation featured a set of questions in the frame of a questionnaire and offered the possibility to submit detailed comments in the form of a position paper.
BeST has submitted its views to the above-mentioned public consultation and has taken this opportunity to submit additional comments to Question n. 33 of the questionnaire concerning the potential reclassification of an existing harmonised classification of a substance.
BeST strongly supports the proposal to allow industry to submit a reclassification proposal to ECHA and has provided additional comments addressing:
The potential reclassification procedure.
The assessment of data.
The identification of differing potential health outcomes for different forms of the same basic substance, i.e. different health risks between soluble and insoluble forms.
The inclusion of experts from industry and civil society in the new evaluating authority
To access BeST’s position paper, please download the pdf file below.