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RoHS: BeST submits comments to RoHS consultation

In February 2018, the European Commission announced that it had commissioned Oeko Institut to conduct another substance review project under the RoHS Directive.

Seven shortlisted substances have been identified, including Beryllium and its compounds, to be assessed in the frame of a future review and amendment of the RoHS Directive.

BeST objects to the inclusion of Beryllium and its compounds as a shortlisted substance as Beryllium and Beryllium Oxide, the only forms found in Electric and Electronic Equipment covered by RoHS, have already been assessed in several previous occasions and have been determined not to satisfy the criteria to be regulated under RoHS.

BeST has submitted comments, also endorsed by ESIA (The European Semiconductor Industry Association), to the consultation.

Please find BeST’s comments below:

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