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The Beryllium Science and Technology Association (BeST) is a nonprofit organisation based in Brussels operating under Belgium law. BeST represents the suppliers of Beryllium in the EU market, as well as traders and industries who rely on the unique properties of beryllium to  design for miniaturisation, energy conservation, greater reliability and longer product life.


It aims to promote sound policies, regulations, science and actions related to the safe use of beryllium and to serve as an expert resource for the international community on the benefits and criticality of beryllium applications. 


Our mission is to provide the best available scientific information related to Beryllium, and to ensure that its benefits to society in critical applications are realised and embraced and maintained by industry, governmental authorities and the general public. It is also the objective of BeST to promote good practices in the workplace, in order to protect workers handling beryllium containing materials.


BeST has the following objectives:


     To be a central representative body that can present the views of the Beryllium industry to the European Union

     Institutions and agencies, EU Member States Governments and agencies, EU Member States Parliaments, and other

     relevant organisations
     To be a research and statistical centre, to aggregate and publish statistics and other relevant market information
     To provide analysis and provide scientifically based information on the safe use of Beryllium
     To be a technical resource providing commentary, guidance and advice on legal and other regulatory developments

     of relevance to users of beryllium containing materials
     To provide a forum for the exchange of non-competitive information
     To promote beryllium as a critical element for modern society, with economic and societal benefits


The Association is managed by a Board, consisting of a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary.


BeST has a permanent representative secretariat in Brussels as a contact point.


For more information, visit our Members page. 



BeST AGM 2024

©2024 Beryllium Science & Technology Association c/o Ridens Public Affairs

Rue Belliard 205, 1040 Brussels | +32 471 06 47 86 | | Website by Ridens Public Affairs


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